Government Data Science Festival 2022 has seen lively discussion and debate around a wide range of issues that matter to the data science community. We are seeking your input to make sure this dialogue continues beyond the Festival, so we can deliver a programme of activity that enables ongoing exchange on the issues that matter to you.
The ManiFESTo is our commitment to the specific outputs we are taking from the Festival, to ensure we continue to support your development and the growth of UK public sector data science capability beyond 11 May. The six commitments are listed below.
Visit and use #maniFESTo to help shape what happens in your data science community!
The Future of Data Science for Public Good
Foundations for the Future
1. We will seek to establish a UK government and public sector community of interest charter, to include:
- a defined purpose and set of community values.
- insights into the types of activities and support the data science community would value in the future community programme.
- expressions of interest for community members to get involved with the organisation and delivery of the community programme
2. we will aim to establish a directory of UK government and public sector data science contacts who are happy to share their specialist knowledge or seek partnering opportunities.
Future Impact
3. we will capture a list of the issues and questions the community feels it will need to address in the coming years and which will form the focus of analytical and data science pipelines. This will be used to inform ongoing dialogue, and possible collaborations, in the community.
4. we will seek interest in the creation of a data ethics ‘sub-community’ to create opportunities for colleagues to come together to share knowledge and best practice.
Your Future
5. we will gather opinions about the development of data science into a ‘Profession’. This will inform the plan for future engagement and decision making around this.
6. we will gain insights into the areas where skills development is needed across the community to help inform the design of the data science learning pathways.
The Festival is brought to you by the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) Data Science Campus, on behalf of the Government Data Science Partnership.