International Accelerator Programme – Call for mentors

Who are we looking for?
Here is a summary of who could be international mentors for our programme:
- enthusiastic individuals who:
- Are currently working in a data science role
- Can code proficiently
- Have experience of applied statistics/ machine learning to solve business problems
- data scientists who enjoy working with others to share knowledge and build data science capacity internationally
- individuals who can commit to providing around two to three hours of virtual mentorship per week, plus additional support via correspondence, for the duration of the 16-week cohort
You must have line management and senior leadership approval to participate in the mentoring programme.
What can you gain from becoming a mentor?
We’ve successfully ran a pilot during September-December 2021 and our first cohort during March-July 2022. This is some of the feedback we got from our international mentors:
- it expands your professional network internationally
- it is a great way to contribute to the community and build reproducible data science capacity globally
- you get to apply your skills to new and interesting problems, allowing you to expand your skills alongside the mentee’s
- it is a great way to consolidate your own learning
- it provides useful experience of rapid project implementation
- the work is gratifying and varied
It is more useful and constructive than any theoretical course available online.
We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity and we hope the information provided will inspire you to join our virtual international data science mentorship programme. We look forward to hearing from you.
International Data Science Mentor Workshops
We are supporting our mentors through organising Data Science Mentor Workshops. These are sessions organised at the start of each cohort helping new and experienced mentors with advice and tips on the mentoring process and answer any questions about being part of this experience.
The sessions are an 1 hour 30 minutes and typically involve:
- a brief presentation on the current International Data Science Accelerator cohort with examples of the type of projects supported by the programme;
- a panel of three-to-four international mentors to share their experience and answer any questions;
- a couple of mentees to share their experiences;
- the International Accelerator co-ordination team to ensure all logistical, administrative and support questions are being answered.
Please get in touch if you have any questions relating to the programme at