Peter Fullerton

Peter Fullerton

Deputy Director, Planning and Resources

Peter Fullerton was one of the original start-up team of two, helping to establish the ONS’s new Data Science Campus at pace in 2016 and ensure its rapid expansion. He is now the Deputy Director, responsible for planning and resources at the Campus. In his previous post, Peter led ONS’s bid for resources in the UK Government’s comprehensive spending review. In his 16 years at ONS, he has held a numerous senior roles in business delivery and led several development programmes. He was previously the Director of Data Collection, responsible for over 1,800 people, and led a major programme to introduce online surveys across ONS. Prior to joining ONS, Peter was at the devolved Welsh Government, where he worked for 20 years in a range of statistical and public policy leadership roles, including the head of profession for statistics. Peter is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.


  • How to get data scientists working in government
  • Apolitical